The General Energy Analysis Website

Energy Modules
Hydrogen and
Fuel Cells
Solar EnergyCoal Energy
Wind EnergyWater EnergyBiomass EnergyGeneral Energy

Welcome to the website for CACHE Modules on Solar Energy. The goal of this project is to develop modules that bring energy technology into the traditional curricula for chemical, mechanical, and electrical engineering. The site allows faculty members around the world to have easy access to these modules.

The above table lists the various energy areas for which modules have been or will be developed.

This material is part of the Hydrogen Education Curriculum at Michigan Technological University and at Mississippi State University.

The following table lists the related modules.  Each module contains a brief background or motivation, an example problem with a solution, and a homework problem. For access to the homework problem solutions, please contact Jason Keith by email at keith at che dot msstate dot edu.

General Energy Analysis

The Chemistry of Biodiesel Production (Knovel Engineering Cases)
Biodiesel Calculator and Instructions
Module 1: Stoichiometric Analysis of Fuel Combustion
Module 2: Energy Value of Fuels
Module 3: Hydrogen Production Cost
Module 4: Fuel Energy Cost and Energy Density
Module 5: Hydrogen Flammability
Module 6: Theoretical Fuel Consumption and Power
Module 7: Energy Consumption Analysis
Module 8: Energy Efficiency Analysis
Module 9: Energy Emissions Analysis
Module 10: Battery Energy Analysis
Module 11: Battery / Fuel Cell Vehicle Range
Module 12: Solar Energy Analysis
Module 13: Wind Energy Analysis
Module 14: Power and Energy Analysis of Transient Driving Schedules

AIChE / CACHE Module: Thermodynamic Analysis of Petroleum and Bio-based Fuels in Internal Combustion Engines (lecture slides, example problems, engine simulator, and inquiry activity)
AIChE / CACHE Module: Thermodynamic Analysis of Processes for Hydrogen Generation by Decomposition of Water (Preface, Module 1: Fundamentals, Module 2: Single Unit Process, Module 3: Whole Process, Module 4: Multisection Process, and Module Three: 3-Section Sulfur-Iodine Process)

Carbon Capture Analysis

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