This fall we welcome three new research staff members to the Swalm School of Chemical Engineering. As such, we take a moment to welcome them. – Dr. Badamkhand Sukhbaatar is originally from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She came to the United States in 2006 and has been associated with MSU ever since. Currently, she is working as…
CHE faculty member Dr. Neeraj Rai has received an Allocation Year 2013 Startup award from the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) entitled: “Medium Effects on Biomass Transformations”. Dr. Rai’s award includes 50,000 Cray XT4-equivalent hours and 1,000 SRU’s (storage units). NERSC is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.
The AIChE student chapter has received the Outstanding Student Chapter award for the 13th consecutive year (for the 2012-13 academic year), and stands as one of only a few chapters selected among more than 160 national and now over 20 international student chapters. Congratulations!
CHE faculty member Dr. Keisha Walters has received $88,208 from the National Science Foundation for a project Multiscale Simulation of Biological Systems. This is new funding as part of a larger NSF EPSCoR project. Congrats, Dr. Walters!
CHE director Dr. Jason Keith has been selected to serve a two-year term to the TVA Regional Energy Resource Council. TVA established the Regional Energy Resource Council to obtain advice and views from the public and private sectors and individuals interested in the development and management of energy resources in the Tennessee Valley. The Council…
Congratulations to Dr. Todd French for being appointed to the MSU Radiation, Chemical, and Laboratory Safety Committee!
Dr. Jason M. Keith has been elected as chair of the Education Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. This is a two-year appointment which will begin in November 2013.
Dr. Neeraj Rai has received 200,000 Service Units (SUs) – about an hour of compuational time each – of start up allocation on Cray XT5 “Kraken” system with a peak performance of 1.15 petaFLOP at National Institute for Computational Sciences located on Oak Ridge National Laboratory Campus. This award is made through Extreme Science and…
Keisha B. Walters was named the college’s interim associate dean for strategic initiatives. The position has been established to assist Dean Achille Messac in implementing newly developed programs meant to drive the mission of the college forward.
Dr. Priscilla Hill has received a grant of $200,000 from the National Science Foundation entitled “NUE: Multifunctional Nanostructures for Integrated Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, and Geological Applications: A Multidisciplinary Laboratory Education Program.” Dr. Hill’s co-PI’s include Dr. Carlen Hennington (Counseling and Educational Psychology), Dr. Brenda Kirkland (Geosciences), Dr. Yaroslav Koshka (Electrical and Computer Engineering), and Dr….