Graduate - Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 2

Chemical Engineering Newsletter, December 2021

November 29, 2021

Congratulations to our 3MT winner, Laihmen Quan!

Congratulations to our 3MT® winner, Grand Champion Laihmen Quan! We are so lucky to have students like you at MSU! Ph.D. candidate, Quan, won the 3-minute thesis competition. The 3MT® is a competition that challenges graduate students to present a compelling verbal presentation of their thesis/dissertation topic and its significance in just three minutes. 3MT®…

November 22, 2021

Chemical Engineering Newsletter, July 2021

July 27, 2021

Register now for the Swalm Research Symposium

The Swalm Research Symposium will highlight current research activities in the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering within Mississippi State’s Bagley College of Engineering. The agenda will include oral presentations by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers as well as a poster session by undergraduate researchers.

July 15, 2021

Looking for ChE software? Looking for ChemCad? Find it here.

August 10, 2020

AICHe chapter earns Campus Organization of the Year plaudits

April 27, 2020

AIChE’s Annual Girl Scouts Day 2020

On Saturday, February 1, 2020, Mississippi State’s chapter of AIChE partnered with Girl Scout troops from across Mississippi to hold an annual all-day event. Girl Scouts Day is for elementary and middle school girls to learn about opportunities, not only in chemical engineering, but in a variety of STEM subjects. The organizer of this event,…

April 3, 2020

MSU summer classes to be held online, with more options available

April 1, 2020

“Be That Engineer” SWE Event

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) hosted an event that introduced over 40 high school girls to the various engineering disciplines offered at Mississippi State. Chemical Engineering major Chloe Cole led the chemical engineering station. The girls had the opportunity to formulate their own bouncy balls using Borax, glue, cornstarch,…

January 16, 2020

AIChE MSU vs. Kentucky Tailgate

The “best major on campus” threw the best tailgate on campus! On Saturday, September 21, AIChE and the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering hosted a tailgate for the Kentucky vs. MSU football game. In addition to supporting the Bulldogs, the tailgate provided a way for students to interact with members of the advisory…

January 14, 2020