
Resources for Chemical Engineering

Quick Links   

EBSCO Discovery Service:  The EBSCO Discovery Service is a powerful search engine that searches across all of the Libraries electronic resources: the Online Catalog, the databases, indexes and eJournals.  It creates a unified, customized index of our information resources and provides one-stop shopping (just like Google) by using its single search box located on the main Libraries Home page.

Distance Educations Librarian:  The Distance Education Librarian, Rachel Cannady, has created a LibGuide, Distance Education Information Portal, specifically for off-campus students:   Our Library Express service will provide materials (books or photocopies) from the MSU Libraries’ Collection to Distance Learning faculty, staff, and students free of charge giving them the same service as patrons on campus.

IT Training Workshops:  MSU’s Information Technology Services (ITS) has a new IT Training calendar at which lists all of the workshops and sessions provided by ITS, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the MSU Libraries in one calendar.

Information Portals:  There is an Information Portal for Graduate Students which gives particularly helpful information about theses, dissertations, deadlines, research, and much more.